The West Bank Protection Consortium (WBPC) was established in 2015 and is funded by ECHO and other institutional donors. It brings together five International non-governmental organisations (NGOs):
- Action Against Hunger (ACF)
- Acted
- Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC)
- Premiere Urgence Internationale (PUI)
- We World (WW)
The project aims to protect Palestinians in the West Bank and East Jerusalem from forcible transfers. The Consortium operates mostly in Area C of the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Its coordination offices are located in East Jerusalem (NRC, ACF, Acted) and in Ramallah (WW, PUI). All the five NGOs have at least one base in the West Bank, ensuring geographical coverage from north to south.
The Consortium is funded by DG-ECHO, along with various other donors. Starting with six donors in 2015, the Consortium has expanded over the years, reaching 14 donors in 2024. Fundings has increased from 7.4 million euros in 2015 to 27.4 million euros in 2024.
The project has three main pillars of intervention:
- Emergency preparedness and responses to the violations of International Humanitarian Law (IHL)/ International Human Rights Law (IHRL), including demolitions, settler violence and forcible transfers;
- Resilience building through community protection approach (CPA), material assistance and legal aid;
- Humanitarian advocacy.
The purpose of this evaluation is not only to enhance project implementation by identifying strengths and areas for improvement but also to assess how the project can best adapt to recent contextual changes.
It will enable Consortium members to critically examine the activities carried out and support future strategic and operational decision-making to ensure the project remains as relevant and effective as possible.
How to apply
To townload our RFQ/TOR follow this link
To upload your proposal follow this link
Closing date
17 March 2025.