A total of
people in need received our assistance in 2023.
Humanitarian overview
Yemen continues to be one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises. Nine years of devastating conflict, economic deterioration and the collapse of public services have left 18.2 million people, including 14 million women and children in need of humanitarian assistance and protection services for their survival. Some 4.5 million people continue to be internally displaced, and 17 million people are unable to consume adequate food, putting their lives or livelihoods in jeopardy.
In 2022 a six-month truce was announced between parties to the conflict in Yemen. While the truce was not renewed, Yemen has enjoyed relative calm of late. That said, fighting continues in some areas while regional tensions have also impacted the overall context. Economic decline is driving humanitarian needs, pushing up food prices at a time when humanitarian funding has declined significantly.
Yemenis remain without the safety and services they need to survive. Continued support from the international community is crucial for NRC to support the millions in need.
48,222people benefited from our education programme in 2023
446,076people benefited from our food security programme
41,632people benefited from our shelter programme
87,826people benefited from our protection programme
32,404people benefited from our ICLA programme
261,664people benefited from our WASH programme
39,935people benefited from other NRC activities
NRC's operation
NRC assists people who have fled their homes as well as host communities and those who wish to return home.
We are often one of the first responders after a crisis, providing critical emergency aid and programming that aims to promote self-reliance, and working in partnership with affected communities to find durable solutions.
We respond in a holistic manner to ensure a principled, efficient, effective and accountable response and encourage all stakeholders and duty bearers to uphold their legal obligations towards people affected by displacement.
The education sector is one of the most neglected areas within Yemen’s humanitarian crisis. A total of 4.5 Yemeni children are currently not attending schools, and 1.3 million children are displaced. In 2023, almost 200,000 teachers did not receive salaries or incentives. Out-of-school children not only suffer a loss of educational opportunities, but also valuable social networks which provide protection, support, a sense of normality, and hope for the future.
We focus on children who have had their education interrupted or denied, via the provision of multiple, tailored pathways back to learning for displacement and conflict-affected children, adolescents, and youth.
NRC is recognised as a leading education partner in Yemen. We work with children, teachers, communities, ministries and other authorities, as well as national and international education partners, to ensure children in Yemen are able to learn in a safe and protective environment. We do this by:
- promoting children’s right to education via community mobilisation, awareness raising and advocacy
- ensuring learning environments are safe and accessible to all children by repairing old and damaged classrooms and constructing learning spaces, latrines, and handwashing facilities, and implementing classroom-based psychosocial support
- incentivising, equipping and training teachers and other education staff to provide quality, safe and inclusive education
- ensuring all children have the resources they need to fully participate in lessons through the provision of teaching, learning and recreational materials
- establishing multiple pathways back to formal education through providing a range of non-formal and technical and vocational education opportunities for children, adolescents and youth who may need more specialised or intensive education support
- activating or reinvigorating parent-teacher associations and other community support structures, to promote community ownership and sustainability
- advocating for the right to education through clusters and different education platforms at the Yemen and global level
Information, counselling and legal assistance (ICLA)
A single document can determine the future of an entire family. Birth certificates and IDs open up access to health care, protect and secure rights, and enable children to enrol in education. Displaced Yemenis do not always have the necessary legal/civil documents and many are often unaware of their rights and local legal structures, all of which serves to block them accessing services.
Similarly, access to housing, land and property (HLP) rights is a critical challenge. Displaced Yemenis are exposed to various protection risks including evictions from sites where they have settled and from housing they are renting.
NRC is implementing programming that helps Yemeni people – particularly women and children – access legal and civil documentation (LCD) and HLP rights. Our ICLA team is currently focused on:
- awareness-raising on legal rights-related civil documentation and housing, land and property rights
- providing legal counselling and assistance to access critical legal and civil documentation
- providing legal assistance to displaced communities on housing, land and property rights, through negotiation with authorities and landowners to reduce evictions
- post-eviction support
- providing technical support and training to clusters, authorities and partners on housing, land and property rights
- capacity building of local authorities, including the Civil Registry Authority and community leaders
- advocating for positive policy changes that affect peoples’ rights
NRC is also the co-chair of the HLP Working Group and of the Legal Aid Technical Working Group, seeking to promote coordination amongst actors on these issues
Livelihoods and food security
The conflict hit the Yemeni economy hard, exacerbating extremely fragile living conditions. Socio-economic drivers are continuing to deteriorate further, including rising food prices, and currency fluctuations. Malnutrition and hunger are rife. More than 50 per cent of the Yemeni population (17.6 million people) are considered food insecure, and 6 million are experiencing emergency level of food insecurity.
The objective of NRC’s Livelihood and Food Security programming is to protect the rights, dignity and livelihoods of vulnerable people affected by the conflict and displacement in Yemen, in addition to saving lives. NRC uses a market systems approach to respond to emergencies and promote sustainable livelihoods where market systems are functional. In emergency situations, we support improved access to safe food by:
- distributing in-kind food baskets where markets are not fully functional
- providing cash and voucher assistance where markets are functional
We support livelihood restoration and resilience building by:
- providing training in modern production technologies and livelihood kits (agricultural inputs, tools) to small-scale farmers and fishery communities
- providing training in livestock management and provision of small ruminants to vulnerable households to increase their asset base
- supporting rehabilitation and/or installation of agricultural infrastructure including solar irrigation systems
- providing business management training and start-up capital for youth and female entrepreneurs
- providing vocational skills training to youth and women to support viable market driven self-employment activities based on a thorough understanding of the local market conditions
Protection from violence
Yemen is facing a complex protection crisis, with 16 million people considered in need of some form of protection assistance. While this represents a 16 per cent decrease from 2023, widespread destruction of civilian infrastructure, marginalisation, exclusion, discriminatory norms and practices, explosive ordnance contamination, and a large number of internally displaced people, alongside the socioeconomic impacts associated with the deteriorating economy have increased pre-existing vulnerabilities and stretched already weakened institutions and public services.
NRC Yemen delivers programmes that aim at reducing, mitigating and responding to protection risks faced by the population in Yemen. The most severe of these risks are: threats to life, safety, and security; lack of civil documentation; housing, land, and property (HLP) rights; forced evictions; protracted and multiple displacement; specific risks to women and girls; and child recruitment.
Our programming is implemented through three interlinked outcomes:
- Individual protection services: general protection case management (PCM), individual protection assistance (IPA), cash and voucher assistance for protection outcomes, protective accompaniment, psychological first aid (PFA), referrals and facilitated cash referrals.
- Community level protection services: community-based protection networks, trainings and regular engagement, community level protection monitoring and analysis of trends, peaceful coexistence and community initiative (pilot project).
- Protection leadership and evidence-based advocacy: protection monitoring and advocacy, national protection cluster co-coordination role.
The NRC protection team coordinates with other sectors to provide an effective, rapid response to support at-risk individuals in coping with their specific protection situation and strengthening their resilience.
Water, sanitation and hygiene promotion (WASH)
For the displacement-affected population in Yemen, sustainable access to sufficient and safe water, appropriate sanitation facilities and living in a healthier environment are some of the most urgent needs. 17.4 million people remain in need of WASH assistance, which represents a 12 per cent increase from 2023.
Prolonged conflict amplified by flooding, environmental degradation and other climate change-related effects has damaged and overstretched capacity of water supply infrastructure. This coupled with lack of adequate sanitation facilities and poor hygiene practices has increased the risk of water-related diseases and other public health and protection risks.
To address this, our WASH team, in collaboration with other sectors, aims to address acute WASH needs and reduce protection risks through delivery of life-saving assistance and restoring and sustaining existing WASH facilities which are inclusive. We achieve this by:
- rehabilitating and constructing water supply systems and facilitating their governance to improve sustainability
- strengthening community-based water resource management to improve resilience and climate change adaptation
- using, supporting and developing markets to meet WASH needs of affected populations
- promoting positive hygiene practices through hygiene promotion campaigns with the aim of changing behaviour
- providing inclusive sanitation facilities with ap-propriate disposal and treatment mechanisms
- improving WASH services in schools to strengthen better learning outcomes in collaboration with the education sector
- improving living environments through community and government-supported solid waste management
NRC is strategically placed to influence broader local, national and international discussions, policies and practices that impact the humanitarian situation in Yemen. NRC actively engages in or co-chairs key coordination mechanisms including the Humanitarian Access Working Group, the NGO Advocacy Working Group and the Durable Solutions Working Group to name a few.
We base our advocacy and influencing on the needs of the communities we work with as expressed directly to us by them and elevate their voices into decision-making spaces. The most critical themes running across our advocacy include access to aid and protection and the removal of barriers to self-reliance and durable solutions. Our advocacy is also designed to help ensure a principled, efficient, effective and accountable humanitarian response.
Camp coordination and camp management (CCCM)
An estimated 1.5 million people have settled in 2,382 sites throughout Yemen. These sites are usually small and spread out, with poor service provision. The majority of the people in these sites have faced multiple and protracted displacement. Evictions are becoming increasing common, as an estimated 84 per cent have no occupancy agreements.
NRC CCCM teams aim to improve coordination structures, information management systems, and access to equitable services and assistance in displacement sites with a focus on moving towards durable solutions with full participation of the displaced and host communities. Our camp management team is focused on:
- supervising, monitoring and coordinating safe and dignified access to multi-sectoral service at site level
- establishing camp governance mechanisms and enabling community participation
- ensuring the care and maintenance of camp infrastructure
- managing information on the camp population’s changing needs
- disseminating information both to the camp population and to other stakeholders
- participating in strategic planning with relevant stakeholders around issues of contingency planning, environment, and exit strategy
- advocating on behalf of/with the camp community to external stakeholders
About NRC in Yemen
Stories from Yemen