The NRC Latin America office is composed of country offices in Colombia, Panama, Ecuador, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, México and Venezuela.
NRC-Latin America is looking for a secure, efficient, flexible, cost-effective solution for booking flights and other travel-related services for our employees. The travel management company must provide travel booking and program management, and work with us as a partner to make our travel management more efficient and user friendly. We are looking for a provider using the systems seen as the best in the market.
The NRC Travel Policy gives direction for travel on official NRC business and is meant to ensure that traveling on duty is conducted in a relevant, cost efficient and safe manner.
In carrying out its projects, NRC intends to enter into a Framework Agreement (FWA) for 2 years with the possibility of extension with the most competent agency for the Provision of Flight Ticket Booking and Travel Agent Services. As a result, NRC-Latin America requires flight ticketing services to all journeys of NRC representation in the region, as well as other parts of the globe.