Invitation to tender for companies offering funding proposal development services

Published 16. Jul 2024
The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) is an independent humanitarian organisation helping people forced to flee. NRC works in crisis across 40 countries, providing life-saving and long-term assistance to millions of people every year. In 2023, NRC reached 9.7 million people in need of humanitarian assistance.

In order to strengthen NRC’s ability to secure donor funding and to further diversify the organisations funding base, we are hereby inviting companies with excellent proposal development skills and experience to this bidding process. Given the current funding landscape for humanitarian and development assistance, NRC has a strategic ambition to have surge capacity to support our offices in proposal development for funding opportunities and to tap into new funding streams to finance our projects. Companies selected under the proposed Framework Agreement will play a contributing role in achieving this ambition.

Successful applicants will be signing a Framework Agreement with NRC and will be contacted and offered opportunities for short-term consultancies when appropriate opportunities arise. The Framework Agreement will be valid for a period of two years until August 2026, with a possibility for extending the agreement by two additional years. 

Interested suppliers can submit applications by email to by the deadline: 19 August 2024.

Any correspondence can be addressed the following address: Any request for clarification must be received by NRC to this email in writing at least 5 working days before the deadline for submission of tenders. NRC will reply to bidders' questions at least 2 working days before the deadline for submission of tenders.

Application packages must include:

  1. Complete Invitation to Bid, including a signed Ethical Standards Declaration
  2. Complete Service Provision and Pricing Proposal (Annex 1)
  3. Complete application form (Annex 2)

Please submit these documents in PDF format and do NOT submit a cover letter in addition to the documents listed.