
Stoplight: Rapid Market Assessment Toolkit

Published 26. Feb 2025
Markets are crucial for displaced people and their host communities. Humanitarian actors increasingly use market-based responses to help crisis-affected populations meet their needs through local markets. Market assessments are essential for informing programme design and choosing the right transfer modality.

The Stoplight tool, revised by the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) and originally designed by the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) and Mercy Corps, is tailored for short-term interventions of six months or less. It is less comprehensive than the Multi-Sector Market Assessment (MSMA), allowing for a complete market analysis in just one week. This makes it ideal for emergency responses, supporting the first line of crisis response.

The new tool is more user-friendly than before, with clear examples and revised components to enhance learning. The streamlined workflow shows that a full-blown analysis isn't always necessary, and that existing secondary data can be better utilised. It is also more flexible, making it easier to understand markets for both services and goods.

Watch a short video about the Stoplight tool

Watch a short video about the Stoplight tool
Josie Scott, NRC’s Market Analysis Adviser, introduces the revised Stoplight toolkit.
Watch a short video about the Stoplight tool
Josie Scott, NRC’s Market Analysis Adviser, introduces the revised Stoplight toolkit.

Download the tool