
Final Research Report - NRC's Never Too Late to Learn Programme in Tanzania and the DRC

Published 08. Feb 2023
In 2017, the EU launched the ‘Building Resilience: Education Opportunities in Fragile and Crisis Affected Environments (BRiCE) Programme’ to improve access to quality education in pre-school, primary and lower secondary levels for children in fragile and crisis-affected environments.

Each of the funded projects had embedded research into the projects’ design aiming at generating evidence on what works in crisis affected environments. The intent was to provide evidence for policy development and intervention design at national, regional and global levels and make linkages to existing global and regional knowledge management networks and initiatives.

“Never too late to learn: ​Providing displacement affected children with quality and protective alternative education in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Tanzania”,​ is one of the four project funded under the BRICE initiative and implemented by a consortia led by the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC). It is a four-year project implemented from February 2018 till July 2022 targeting Burundian refugee children in Tanzania and internally displaced and returnee children in DRC, who have experienced conflict and displacement, and have never been to school, or have missed significant periods of learning, especially girls.

NRC’s learning priorities and subsequent research have focused on Accelerated Education (AE) programming in DRC and Tanzania. A mix-method approach was applied in support of the monitoring data made available by the NRC for 2018 and 2020.

The study was based on the following research questions:

  • To what extent are AEPs successful in reaching and supporting marginalised children?
  • How successful were the AEPs at tackling barriers to create an enabling environment?
  • How successful are the AEPs in integrating learners into formal education or vocational education?
  • What factors that affected success, understood as transition to other education pathways and wellbeing.