

Published 14. Jun 2022
How the conflict in Ukraine will have a catastrophic impact on displaced communities in crises

Tens of millions of displaced women, men, and children in some of the worst global food crises and conflicts in the world are pushed closer to famine due to the conflict in Ukraine, major global food systems disruption, aid diversion, and a reduction in humanitarian funding and assistance.

In 2021, levels of hunger surpassed all previous records with close to 193 million people acutely food insecure and in need of urgent assistance across 53 countries and territories.

The conflict in Ukraine is expected to be a major compounding factor pushing vulnerable communities toward famine. As of June 2022, close to 50 million people in countries affected by conflict and displacement are spiralling toward famine.

Findings from this report are based on a comprehensive secondary source analysis and 35 key informant interviews with refugees, IDPs, and host community respondents from 11 key conflict and displacement affected contexts.

While further in-depth analysis is needed, respondents and Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) expert analysis highlighted stark commonalities for displaced communities across otherwise distinct crisis contexts.