
Information, counselling and legal assistance (ICLA) programme evaluation

Published 15. Mar 2015
The evaluation found that the programme has made a real and tangible difference in the lives of many of their clients. Overall, the programme is successful especially given the challenges and complexities of programming in a difficult country context like Afghanistan.

NRC was considered to have performed very well against the OECD DAC criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and impact. In particular the programme was seen to be highly relevant to the needs of Afghan IDPs and returnees. The area requiring attention is sustainability. The evaluation concluded that the programme can do more to articulate a longer term strategic direction and exit strategy, including more strategic engagement with Afghan Government and local civil society. The programme, with the support of NRC country office management, can also strengthen its regional approach to ICLA programming, analysis and advocacy. ICLA plays the leading role in the country on civil legal aid (particularly on HLP issues), and there is little or no capacity for national actors (state and civil society) to maintain project activities should NRC / ICLA reduce or withdraw their services. A longer term strategic approach and exit strategy would help ensure that ICLA’s programming supports state and civil society actors to progressively develop expertise and take further leadership in these areas.

While noting the overall high quality of the programme, the evaluation makes a series of recommendations for NRC and ICLA management to consider, specifically focussing on strengthening programming, staffing and information management.