CashCap consists of a diverse range of experienced cash and market experts, supported by a full-time global response team and broad Steering Committee consisting of the Global Food Security Cluster, World Food Programme, UNHCR, UNICEF, Food and Agriculture Organisation, World Vision International, Action Contre la Faim, the UK Department for international development (DFID), the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the German Federal Foreign Office, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, United States Agency for International Development, European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO). In addition, the Cash Learning Partnership is a technical adviser.
Who we serve
CashCap is a specialised project which only offers inter-agency support, independent of agency-specific agendas. This ensures our experts are trusted as neutral by all parties involved. Therefore, any requests for CashCap support must have at least four sponsoring humanitarian and/or development agencies.

CashCap’s long-term goal is for quality cash and voucher assistance to be available and accessible to all who need it. CashCap works with partners to improve the quality of support provided to people in need by enabling stronger accountability, choice and inclusion within their cash and voucher programmes.
Our purpose
CashCap’s is guided by the following strategic focus areas.
A strong local and national leadership on cash and voucher interventions: CashCap’s goal is to enable and share capacity for local leadership on cash and voucher assistance, in line with the Grand Bargain 2.0 commitments. We aim to scale-up our investment in local and national partners working with cash and voucher assistance in part by advocating for change in the humanitarian system to shift the power to local and national levels. Where relevant, we will also engage and coordinate with actors to develop more harmonised and effective intervention across humanitarian, development and peacebuilding nexus
International and national actors are better equipped to provide quality coordination of cash and voucher assistance: To achieve this, we will provide coordination expertise for major crises, scale-ups and initiatives to enhance the impact of interventions. We will provide transitional support during the implementation of the newly adopted cash coordination model, in close collaboration with global Cash Advisory Group.
Quality cash and voucher assistance is delivered every time, through innovative and integrated approaches tailored to the specific context: We support new and ambitious ways to increase access to quality cash and voucher assistance. This includes coordination with social protection systems, working with partners with less experience of cash and voucher assistance, collaborating with non-traditional stakeholders, and bridging work across the humanitarian, development and peacebuilding sectors.
Read CashCap Strategic Plan 2022-2024 here.
This interactive dashboard shows CashCap deployments from 2016 to present. View status, year, region or country, risk ranking and other attributes.
Enter full screen mode by clicking the double arrow in the bottom right corner, or access the deployment dashboard here (external link).
How we work
Expert placement, virtual, physical or hybrid, continues to be our primary operational model. In response to changing needs and developments, in addition to coordination expertise, our services now include technical assistance, on-the-job trainings and promoting collaboration to deliver cash at scale.
We offer a unique combination of expertise, neutrality, and commitment quality. We believe in building from local capacity and create forums that bring partners together to ensure choice, dignity and best possible outcomes for people who need cash assistance.
During their missions CashCap experts benefit from a strong peer-to-peer support, professional development opportunities and a thriving CashCap community of practice.
To request CashCap support, please download and complete the request form (attached below)
Request form and terms of reference
About cash and voucher assistance
Using cash and voucher assistance instead of traditional in-kind assistance such as food, blankets, or tools enables greater choice and empowerment for people at risk. Cash transfers can also play a vital role in strengthening local markets. In 2016, humanitarian organisations and donors committed to increase the use and coordination of cash-based programming, as part of the Grand Bargain agreement. CashCap is widely recognised as instrumental to the global growth of cash and voucher assistance in emergencies. A great number of cash working groups across the globe rely on our expertise.
“Whether protracted, sudden onset, population movement or global policy environments, CashCap experts have consistently received appreciation for delivering professional value to the humanitarian community and affected populations."Tim McInerny, CashCap expert

CashCap donors