Over 1.3 million people have been displaced by an outbreak in violence in DR Congo’s Kasaï Region since August 2016. Some 8,000 people were displaced per day in May alone. Almost half of those displaced are children, thousands of whom have been victim to indiscriminate violence, separated from their parents and recruited by armed groups.
NRC is one of the first international humanitarian organisations to respond to the crisis in Kasaï Central province, deploying a team to the capital, Kananga. Kasaï Central is the epicentre of the crisis, hosting about 630,000 displaced people.
NRC assessments found 338 schools in Kasaï Central were not in use because of the conflict, representing over 1 in 10 schools in the region. In Nganza village for example, the situation is especially complicated with some schools being occupied by armed groups.
“Children have been hit hardest by the conflict,” said Blom. “Many schools are destroyed or occupied by armed groups, robbing thousands of children from the chance of an education. For the lucky ones whose schools remain open, many are too scared to risk going, and so can’t sit their exams as a result.”
An emergency flash appeal by OCHA in April has only managed to raise 53 per cent of a requested US$65 million in terms of intent, but only 8 per cent have actually been provided so far. “Access to communities in need in Kasaï Central is improving, so we should be using this window to scale up and respond. But without the necessary funding, our hands are tied,” continued Blom.