“It felt like we were drowning, we couldn’t breathe”
First, they asked for 50 US dollars every month. Then 100. 150. 200.
This continued for five years.
In the end, the family had nothing more to give.
“We can’t pay anymore,” they told the gang.
That’s how it all started.

Ana (name changed for her protection), her husband and their children are from El Salvador.
Life was good. They grew vegetables, her husband was a bricklayer and Ana sold flowers.

But then they were targeted by a pandilla. A local gang. They wanted a cut of the family’s income. Business owners and private individuals are forced to pay a “tax”, la renta, so the gangs can continue their business and take care of their family – the gang members.
For years, Ana’s family paid la renta, until one day, Ana was involved in a car accident on her way to the store and broke her foot. The family had no insurance, and Ana’s medical costs piled up. The family couldn’t afford to pay the gang anymore. Then it became dangerous.
“They came and demanded the money. My husband told them we had nothing to give. So they started threatening us. Said they were going to cut our throats if we didn’t pay.”
Everywhere Ana and her husband went, a shadow now followed. If they were out riding the motorcycle, someone would pull up beside them. At night, there was a hammering on the door, and they constantly received threat letters.
“I told the police what was going on.”
That just made the gang angrier.
“They said that if I reported them to the police, we would just get hurt sooner. That if they ended up in jail, the rest of the gang would kill my entire family.”
Ana, her husband and their children were terrified and rarely went out. Didn’t dare.
Then one day, Ana became unwell. Her injured foot had still not healed. Her husband went to the city to get medicine.
But when Ana's health deteriorated and she fainted, her eldest daughter, who was just a young teenager at the time, didn’t want to wait any longer. She went outside and walked to the pharmacy.
“He took it out on my oldest daughter.”
It took many hours before they got her home. Battered. Bloody. Dragged by the hair. Her arm broken. Raped. A gang member had gotten hold of her.
For eight days, the girl remained in the hospital.
“She was fine when she slept,” says Ana. “But when she would wake up, she’d start screaming. She was afraid they would come and kill her. She would shout: ‘Help me Mami!”
Ana watched over her daughter, spending her days and nights in the hospital. A few days later, a police officer called Ana. “We have arrested the gang member who did this to your daughter,” they told her.
But the relief quickly passed.
Now they weren’t “just” receiving threats from the gang anymore. They were also receiving threats from the gang member’s family. They threw water on Ana outside the courthouse. Threatened the prosecutor’s colleagues.
“Several people said I should drop the charges and have him released, so we and our family would not be killed.
“I thought: ‘What can I do?’ If he gets out, he’s just going to keep demanding money. Maybe he’ll assault my children again, maybe my youngest daughter this time.”
Ana straightens up. In a steadfast voice, she says:
“I decided I was going to fight for my daughter. That I would tell them everything I knew. I didn’t know what they would ask me [in court], but I decided to say everything.”

The evidence was overwhelming.
Her daughter’s abuser received a severe prison sentence.
But already on the way out of the courtroom, there were more threats. The gang member’s family used hand signs to tell Ana and her family that they would be killed. Their throats cut.
“One night, the power had gone out. My phone only had four per cent battery left. Then they started banging on the door. They shouted for me to come out or they would kick the door down.
“I had no idea what to do. It was late at night. I sent the police investigator a message. She replied that we should turn off the lights in case the power came back on, and that they would come and help us.”
Ana pauses. Her hands clasped together in her lap.
“I was terrified that they would see we were home. We lay down together on the bed, the children, my mother, my husband and I, just waiting. Waiting for the gang to break the door down.”
Finally, the family heard police sirens.
The gang ran off. But they had killed the family’s pets: both the rabbits and cut the cat’s throat.
“As they ran away, they shouted: ‘You got away this time, but you won’t get away again! Next time we stop the police cars, and then you’ll be ours!”
“We had no idea what to do. We couldn’t sleep. We tried to escape to my cousin’s house, but they found us there, too.”
“My children were extremely scared. We tried to shield them, but they understood what was going on. My youngest daughter – she was only three – gave me a hug and said: ‘Mamita, mummy, get me out of here.”
The situation in the north of Central America
More than one million people have been displaced in El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala and Mexico.
Criminal gangs exercise great territorial control. Extortion, threats, kidnapping, sexual violence and murder are common, and massacres occur regularly. The homicide rates, especially in Honduras, are among the highest in the world and the humanitarian consequences of this violence are no different from those in a conflict. For the second year in a row, the number of people in need of emergency aid has increased – to a staggering 9.3 million people in 2022. That’s nearly 30 per cent of the population of northern Central America. Nearly five million people are in need of protection from the widespread violence, and eight million people are experiencing an acute shortage of food.
The number of people leaving the region, trying to get to the United States, is constantly reaching new heights.
The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) serves people in need of humanitarian assistance in Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala.
To avoid more violence, those who flee often wish to remain anonymous. This makes it difficult for humanitarian organisations, including NRC, to reach out and provide assistance.
The iceboxes
“In the end, the police investigator said it would be best for us if we just left. It was the gang leader himself who was after us.
“So we did.
“My husband, our children, and I.
“My mother stayed behind with some relatives.”
The family hoped to make it to the United States. But the journey was gruelling. They travelled together with hundreds of others; having to cross rivers and hide from drones.
“We were a big group. Finally, we arrived at a farm. We had to leave our luggage there. The traffickers placed us on some trucks. My children had fevers, so I tried putting some cold cloths on them. My husband fell and landed in the middle of the truck bed, and many others ended up standing on top of him.
“I tried to protect my kids. It felt like we were drowning, we couldn’t breathe.
“Finally, the vehicle stopped. In a deserted place. There were many men there, with huge rifles, wearing navarones [a kind of balaclava that covers the face],” says Ana. Everyone had to get down from the truck, and the men began to read out names, telling us who would go where.
“I saw that these were not federal agents [from the United States] or police. I had a feeling that these were the same people who had treated us badly in El Salvador. I was afraid they were going to kill us.
“Many were abandoned there because the traffickers had not received payment. They tried to contact their families in the United States. If the family didn’t pay, they were killed.”
The next day, those who travelled on attempted to cross the Rio Grande, which is the border between the United States and Mexico.
“Many of the children fainted. We tried to help them. Their parents were already in the United States and had sent for their children later. The children stayed close to us. We no longer had only our own children to care for, but ten more.”
After many days on foot, the family finally crossed the border into the United States. A US border patrol guard gave the children juice boxes, and Ana showed the family’s papers.
They were sent to a detention centre. The unaccompanied children were separated from the others, and children travelling with their parents were sent for medical check-ups.
“My children were freezing cold. Their lips turned blue, and they were shaking. There were a lot of kids there. We tried our best to warm them up.
“They took everything away from us and left us alone in freezing cold rooms, wearing only our underwear.”
The family was there for ten days before being released.
“We thought they had let us out so our families could come and get us. But they took us to a bus which drove out to a plane. I read the document they gave us, what it said. That’s when I realised we were going to be deported.”
Ana falls silent.
“I don’t know what happened to the other children.”

In the midst of fear
Now the family have found a new place to live and have been reunited with Ana’s mother. They are part of a protection programme, where they also receive help to deal with all they have experienced. But even though they are safer now than before, they are still afraid. Always.
“It’s hard for the two youngest. They go to school, but they don’t feel safe. They don’t have an easy time making friends, especially boys – they don’t trust them.”
But in the midst of fear, there is hope.
Ana is pregnant. A smile spreads across her face as she announces that she is expecting a little girl.
“There’s a lot I could say, but I’ll say this: If anyone experiences a similar situation, don’t stay silent. Report it to the police. And if you don’t feel safe where you are, get away. Get help. Don’t let time pass, and pay la renta for years, like we did.
“From the moment someone threatens you, get help.”

Some information about the family, including ages and occupations have been changed to protect their identity.