Photo: Beate Simarud/NRC

NRC in Ethiopia


A total of


people in need received our assistance in 2023.


Humanitarian overview

The humanitarian situation in Ethiopia remains critical, compounded by conflict, displacement, disasters, and the impending threat of drought. Armed conflict, political unrest, climate shocks, natural hazards and economic instability have contributed to large-scale displacements and reduced living conditions in multiple regions across the country. According to the 2024 Humanitarian Needs Overview, 21.4 million people are in need of humanitarian support in Ethiopia. There are 4 million drought-affected people in Afar, Amhara, Tigray, Oromia, South & Southwest Ethiopia who need urgent food assistance, according to the Government and Food Cluster.

Since January 2022, some 3.3 million IDPs have returned to their areas of origin. However, due to ongoing displacement in several regions the total number of IDPs is estimated at 4.5 million. This number has decreased over the last year due to the peace deal in the north and efforts to return IDPs all over the country. Ethiopia is the third largest refugee hosting country in Africa, home to over a million refugees and asylum seekers – mainly from Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia and Eritrea.

Following the outbreak of armed conflict in Sudan (April 2023), Ethiopia is receiving thousands of forcibly displaced people at several points of entry. UNHCR and the Government of Ethiopia, in partnership with regional authorities, other UN agencies and NGOs, are working to provide safe asylum access, documentation, protection and solutions to those who need humanitarian support. The annual Participatory Assessment, conducted in all refugee-hosting locations during February and March 2024, indicates the major risks facing refugees in Ethiopia as food shortage, access to justice, gender-based violence, lack of registration and threats to physical safety.

  • 78,385
    people benefited from our education programme
  • 110,908
    people benefited from our food security programme
  • 44,644
    people benefited from our shelter programme
  • 13,689
    people benefited from our ICLA programme
  • 48,137
    people benefited from our WASH programme
  • 121,122
    people benefited from other NRC activities


NRC's operation

NRC is present in five of the 12 regions of Ethiopia (Benishangul Gumuz, Somali, Tigray, Amhara and Afar). NRC in Ethiopia focuses on providing emergency relief to internally displaced people (IDPs), refugees, returnees and host communities, and assists in rebuilding their lives. In 2023, NRC assisted 398,459 displacement-affected people through its various activities.


NRC EducationEducation

Displacement-affected children, adolescents and youth have access to quality education through:

  • lifesaving and protective first-line rapid education in emergencies (EiE)
  • provision of safe, inclusive, age appropriate and quality education though formal and non-formal learning
  • improved youth wellbeing through provision of marketable skills training and transitional livelihood support
  • provision of teaching and learning materials
  • capacity-building trainings to teachers, school administrators, education experts and community structures
  • psychosocial support to children through classroom-based Better Learning Programme (BLP 1)
  • construction/rehabilitation and equipping of learning spaces, WASH facilities and admin blocks


NRC Information, counselling and legal assistance (ICLA)Information, counselling and legal assistance (ICLA)

Vulnerable refugees, IDPs and conflict-affected populations are able to claim and exercise their rights and attain durable solutions through:

  • access to legal identity documentation (LID)
  • enhanced housing, land and property (HLP) rights, including collaborative dispute resolution for HLP disputes, and access to HLP documents
  • employment laws and procedures to remove barriers to wage and self-employment opportunities
  • access to basic services and referrals to other service and protection providers
  • enhanced capacity of duty bearers through capacity building training on responding to HLP and LID issues
  • coordination of the HLP working group at national and sub-national levels


NRC Livelihoods and food securityLivelihoods and food security

We support hard-to-reach displacement-affected populations and vulnerable host communities through:

  • support to meet their basic food needs through multipurpose cash and emergency food supplies
  • improving availability and access to food through community-led, climate-smart production and processing, promoting self-reliance
  • natural resource management
  • sustainable livelihood and income generation opportunities through employment/self-employment
  • entrepreneurship and business skills trainings


NRC Shelter and settlementsShelter and settlements

Populations displaced by climate-related events and conflict, as well as highly vulnerable returnees are provided with emergency shelter and non-food item assistance as part of the emergency response framework designed for affected communities, including:

  • providing emergency/temporary shelter solutions and basic household items in the immediate aftermath of displacement
  • improved access to transitional shelters for protracted IDPs and support for access to permanent shelters for returnees through cash modality and strengthening of local construction knowledge through capacity-building initiatives
  • improved access to basic settlement infrastructure services


NRC Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH)Water, sanitation and hygiene promotion (WASH)

IDPs and vulnerable host communities impacted by climate shocks, disasters and conflict have access to sustainable and locally driven WASH solutions, through:

  • provision of safe, adequate and affordable water supply services in both collective IDP camp and community settings, with enhanced management of water infra-structure, ensuring water quality through coordinated oversight and capacity building
  • appropriate, safe sanitation facilities and improved solid waste management systems
  • strengthened sustainability of key positive hygiene behaviours, with enhanced capacity of local governance structures and community groups to effectively promote safe hygiene and sanitation practices
  • preventive measures and coordinated response strategies for waterborne diseases and outbreaks


Emergency / rapid response

NRC focuses on reaching hard-to-access areas, delivering integrated emergency aid to displacement-affected communities within 72 hours, ensuring their urgent needs are met. The country office is staffed by a skilled and adaptable Emergency Response Team (ERT), recognised for its prompt, high-quality interventions aimed at alleviating suffering and enhancing wellbeing in crisis-affected regions:

  • WASH: immediate distribution of WASH NFIs, hygiene kits, hygiene promotion, and rapid rehabilitation of water supply systems
  • Shelter: rapid provision of essential NFIs, emergency shelter and NFI kits (ESNFI), and cash-for-rent support to disaster-affected populations
  • Cash assistance: immediate delivery of multipurpose cash assistance to meet basic household needs
  • Education in emergencies: immediate distribution of scholastic materials, construction of temporary learning spaces, and restoration of education services in crisis settings


About NRC in Ethiopia

International staff
Areas of operation
Addis Ababa, Amhara, Afar, Benishangul Gumuz, Somali and Tigray regions
National staff


Country Director

Isaac Ooko


+251 915566903