A total of
people in need received our assistance in 2023.
Humanitarian overview
Armed conflicts have afflicted the Central African Republic (CAR) since 2013, and in December 2020, election violence caused significant population movements within and outside the country. One in five Central Africans is either internally displaced or a refugee, and the lack of access to infrastructure and socio-economic opportunities for both internally displaced people (IDPs) and host communities constitutes a vulnerability factor over and above pre-existing structural needs.
According to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), as of November 2023, there are 543,819 internally displaced people in CAR. A total of 112,588 are living in sites for internally displaced people and 431,231 are living with host families. In addition, 749,000 Central Africans have found refuge in neighbouring countries, while 226,000 returnees have been registered. According to the 2024 Humanitarian Needs Overview, there are 2.8 million people in need of humanitarian assistance in CAR, some 46 per cent of the population.
50,106people benefited from our education programme in 2023
13,083people benefited from our food security programme
19,723people benefited from our shelter programme
10,951people benefited from our protection programme
20,373people benefited from our ICLA programme
40,941people benefited from our WASH programme
12,393people benefited from other NRC activities
NRC's operation
While CAR is one of the most dangerous places for humanitarians to work (OCHA reports 177 incidents affecting humanitarian workers between October 2022 and September 2023), NRC builds acceptance to ensure that our support serves communities through integrated multi-sector assistance.
We try to focus on hard-to-reach areas where few other organisations are present and aim to provide sustainable assistance. In 2024, our country office has operations in eight prefectures. NRC also advocates for durable solutions and for the protection and rights of those affected by conflict, with a particular focus on housing, land and property rights.
We support the public education system at national, local and community levels in four prefectures to provide quality education to children. We also make sure that children who have missed out on their education are able to catch up with their peers. Our education programme includes first-line emergency response, support to both formal and non-formal education, youth education and training. Our teams:
- construct and rebuild schools to provide a safe and secure learning environment for children
- re-enrol children in courses so they can enjoy an education, while creating a routine and sense of normality for youth affected by displacement and trauma
- train teachers to strengthen their capacity in class management and teaching methodology
- provide alternative education programmes (remedial classes, accelerated classes, tutoring) to children who have missed out on their education to allow them to reintegrate into the formal school system
- provide youth with training and support to enhance their livelihood skills and guide them towards a profession
- work together with other cluster actors to ensure synergy and enhance the quality and impact of our education programmes
- co-facilitate the education cluster and coordinate advocacy efforts to change policies and practices
NRC education teams work strategically to deliver quality education, even in places with limited humanitarian access, by using diversified methodologies, such as airing lessons on local radio, etc.
Information, counselling and legal assistance (ICLA)
We support people affected by displacement to access their rights in housing, land and property (HLP) and legal identity. Our teams:
- contribute to ensuring that tenants are the rightful, legal owners through the capacity building of local authorities, the improvement of archiving systems and by setting up community systems on the protection of HLP rights
- work to prevent further conflict over HLP by providing local authorities and community mechanisms with much needed capacity building for them to better understand their roles and responsibilities when it comes to assisting in the resolution of HLP conflicts
- conduct activities to promote social cohesion and foster dialogue and conflict resolution between communities
- help people obtain legal documentation, including the civil and identity documentation necessary to access rights and services, by building state agents’ capacity and providing information sessions to the public on the importance of such documentation
- provide technical support to the HLP working group and contribute to the development of the HLP strategy within the protection cluster
Livelihoods and food security
We work to restore the food security and livelihoods of communities affected by displacement. Our teams:
- distribute agricultural tools and seeds to restore vulnerable households’ resilience
- provide training sessions on new agricultural techniques to improve yields and increase independence when growing different foods
- provide income generating activities to increase livelihoods
- provide food and household items for people in acute need through the distribution of cash or vouchers
- train and provide support to Village Savings and Loan Association initiatives for long-term socio-economic impact and self-sufficiency
- ensure coordination and contribution through our participation in the cluster and thematic working groups
Shelter and settlements
We work to improve the living conditions for people affected by displacement. Our teams:
- work with the ICLA teams to ensure that HLP rights are respected and upheld
- build and repair houses damaged or destroyed by providing in-kind material, cash and technical expertise
- provide emergency shelter and non-food items (NFIs) to people in displacement camps and out of camps
- provide transitional shelter and NFIs to returnees and vulnerable host communities
- rehabilitate community infrastructures including administrative buildings and schools
- provide trainings in shelter solutions
Water, sanitation and hygiene promotion (WASH)
To restore the basic human rights and dignity of displaced people, we run WASH activities. Our teams:
- construct, rehabilitate and treat water sources such as wells and pumps, providing clean drinking water for affected communities
- drill new boreholes to increase access to safe water
- create, train and provide equipment to water points management committees
- construct and repair latrines to help people utilise dignified personal waste disposal systems
- promote hygiene awareness and materials to bring long-term changes to sanitation practices
- provide materials to vulnerable individuals in need, in the form of cash, vouchers or in-kind materials, including handwashing stations
- seek to expand the use of clean and sustainable energy by testing the solarisation of water points
Protection from violence
We work to support people affected by displacement to enjoy their right to freedom from violence, coercion and deliberate deprivation. Our teams:
- undertake conflict, gender and protection analyses
- facilitate or support dialogue processes and humanitarian mediation processes
- train national and international actors
- provide dedicated support to individuals through individual protection assistance, in the form of cash or in-kind assistance
- contribute to coordination and advocacy efforts through the co-facilitation of the protection cluster