1. Screening all applications received within deadline
At the deadline for submission, we will screen your application and assess its suitability against the requirements of the job description.
We start by validating that you have the required language skills. Then we usually look at your work experience, the type of jobs you have been holding, the tasks you have been responsible for and where you have been located. We also verify that you have professional certifications or specific education if it is requested.
We receive many applicants for each vacant position. You should expect an answer by email within one month of the submission deadline. If you have not received an answer by then, we apologise. Unfortunately, the lack of an answer means you have not been selected, as we make sure to connect with all shortlisted candidates.
Unfortunately, we do not have the resources to give detailed feedback to applicants who would like to understand why they have not been shortlisted.
Please be aware that applications that do not meet the minimum standards in terms of experience or qualifications will generally not be considered. Unsolicited applications not related to a specific job advertisement will likewise not be considered.
2. Assesments and tests for shortlisted candidates
We proceed further with a small number of candidates who we believe are the best fit for that specific position.
Our assessment approach is tailor-made to the position we seek to fill. It can include:
- Aptitude tests to measure your logical reasoning or thinking performance (e.g. numerical, verbal, abstract logical).
- Personality assessments to understand how you are likely to behave in certain.
- Situations and the personal characteristics you may bring to a role.
- Technical tests to measure specific knowledge areas (e.g. education, security, finance).
- Language tests to assess fluency, often done during the interview itself.
A decision related to a candidate will never be based on test results alone, but on an overall evaluation of your written application, tests and interviews.
3. Interviews of the shortlisted candidates
Two successive interviews are usually conducted. These take place either face to face at one of our offices, or by Skype/phone, depending on the position and where you are located.
Usually they involve someone from Human Resources, a technical specialist and the hiring manager.
We aim to learn more about you, your experience and your motivation to work for NRC.
We will assess your technical and your behavioural competencies, searching for evidence of your skills. For field candidates, we will evaluate your attitude towards and experience of stress, resilience and health.
The interview should also be an opportunity for you to learn more about NRC and the role for which you are applying.
4. Background checks of final candidates
Our capacity to ensure the protection of and assistance to refugees, displaced people and other persons of concern depends on the ability of our staff to uphold and promote the highest standards of ethical and professional conduct. We will do everything we can to ensure that suitable staff are recruited.
After the second interview, background checks will be conducted for all final candidates, by requesting and following up on references. Some positions will be subject to specific screening checks e.g. police checks, or criminal records related to child protection.
5. Job offer and contract
When the final candidate is chosen, and the recruitment process approved, the final candidate will receive their job offer.
For international field positions, including NORCAP, all job offers are dependent on medical clearance.