Share your words of encouragement to our Better Learning class!

BLP campaign // Show your support // ENG


Thank you for showing your support! Here you can read what others have written to our students in the Better Learning programme. Feel free to share with others who want to show their support.

Thanks for this great initiative

– Celia

I want to send support to everyone, who is suffering and going through war. You are strong, brave and worthy. I hope that in the end, everything will be alright and that better things are waiting for you in the future. I wish you only the best, because you deserve it. ❤️

– Anđela

You are loved!!!

– Johanne

Hello from Bosnia and Herzegovina, a country that has been affected by war in the late 90s. Luckily, I wasn't born back then. I say luckily because I don't know how would I handle that mentally. I believe it takes a strong mind and big heart full of courage to raise above the fears and trauma that war causes. I often say to my parents that I admire how they continued their life after the war. That's why you are so special to me. Each one of you is a true hero and I want you to know that there are people in the world, like me, who care about you and admire your mental strength! I'm sending you loads of love, wishing I could hug you all! You are not alone. I will be praying for you all.

– Vildana

Dear lovelies, Keep smiling and everything gets better.

– Aniruddha

Hello to you sweet, beautiful, huggable, lovable, smart, creative, amazing kids, tweens (is that just an American term? Lol) and teenagers and to all your mom's and dad's and grandparents and pets..

I'm here in Chicago sending you big, smiley hello's and I'm wrapping my arms around all of you -- my arms aren't usually that long, but I'm stretching and stretching and stretching them so wide so that I can hug each and everyone of you. All at once.

I don't know exactly what you are going through right now, because I haven't experienced this firsthand, and I want to focus on you - first and foremost.

But if it helps, I will tell you that am the daughter and granddaughter of World War II survivors. My family survived World War II in Latvia and my grandparents had four children, 6 yrs. old (my dad) and under (the youngest was 9 months old, my aunt). They had to leave their home very quickly after soldiers came into my grandparents' house to look for my grandfather. They had to take cold trains, and walk for miles, and take boats and then a ship, and they, too, had to hide in bomb shelters. They didn't have enough to eat at times. And they spent time as refugees, as well, and live in a new country where they didn't speak the language. I grew up hearing their stories and the stories of so many others.

All the things that so many of you are experiencing in one way or another now. And I'm so sorry about that. It's frightening and scary and it's really, really hard.

To try and help you with all of that, I (along with lots of other people around the world) have been sending supplies, and medicines, and donations - and 40 handwritten cards - maybe you received one? :-) And I write to my leaders here to tell them to get off their bums and do even more to bring you peace! Ok, they're not just sitting on their bums. They've had busy bums because we really do have leaders here that are kind and caring and they want to keep you safe as much as we all do.

Know that there are ways to heal from all of this, and that things can get better. And there are things you can do right now to feel good and feel less fearful, even though sometimes I know, that feels impossible.

There's something from the Center of Mind Body Medicine called "Shake Dancing" that you can do anywhere, and it can calm your body down. It feels and looks a little silly - but sometimes silly is necessary! And fun! All you need to do is just stand up and start moving your arms and bouncing a little bit using your knees, and shake your body in whatever way that feels good. And do that for 3-6 minutes. It feels kind of silly at first, but then your body starts to relax and feel better. And you may find you want to do this every day. I do this myself!

Doing it to music you like, if you can, is even better. And then after those 3-6 minutes, you can stop. And relax for a moment, and then sway and dance for a little bit. Whatever feels good. Your body will thank you and you'll have calmed your nervous system. Dr. James Gordon, who created this technique, was just in Poland teaching people how to do this very thing! So it works! He's a smart cookie! And he's taught this technique to people who deal with wars and conflict all over the world. And they feel better. So you can use this now and going forward. And you can teach it to your mom's and dad's and families so they can use this to heal, too. Not sure this would be safe for your pets arms and legs, so let's not do that for them. :-) But they'll feel better when you feel calmer, so they will feel calmer, too. My cat, Belle, sends her best meow's to all of you.

And, though it understandably does not seem like it, something good does come up in all of this awful mess. The people you meet who help may become your lifelong friends and like family. You might feel closer to your neighbors and have helped them, too. And for that, I say "Thank you!" And you can be proud of yourselves for every single moment. You have so many reasons to stand tall and be proud of who you are. Even right now. Especially right now. And all this awfulness may lead to a lot of goodness in the coming days, weeks, and months. It should. And it will. Relief. Nourishment. Healing. Peace. Fun. You all deserve that and more.

And history has proven this: do you know who often go on to do the most amazing things for the world? War survivors! War survivors are some of the most caring and most powerful people in the whole world! And some of the best music, art, literature, dance, and innovation have been created during war - during the worst, toughest times. Because, you know, good people are awesome that way.

Speaking of that, I'm going to watch that Ed Sheeran video again with Taras and Antytila!

But, please don't feel pressure to do something astounding right now. You're perfect just as you are. You're dealing with enough. And you don't have to do huge things every day.

But you do have super powers now. And those great things, they will come naturally. You now have super powers that not everyone has, and you can do amazing things. In ways that the rest of the world cannot.

(I know you could do amazing things before, and I bet you have! But now, your powers are SUPERCHARGED!)

And what also comes from war is empathy. And that right there is a huge super power. These powers will also help you heal yourself, and heal others. We'll use our powers to help you get there, too.

But first, let's be with you - right here. Right now. We see you. We love you. We are here for you. If I can offer some advice: Just be. Meet each day where you're at. Create where you can, when you can. Color. Draw. Paint. That's super good for healing. Take slow, deep breaths as often as you can to help try and calm your bodies and minds. That will help keep you healthy and strong and heal. And feel my arms wrapped around you. And visualize you coming to visit me here in Chicago!!! If you'd like. The invitation is open, with no expiration date.

And I promise you, that I'm going to work really, really hard from where I am, doing everything I can to work with others to help make it so you can go back to playing and to school and to being with your families, safely. So you can live in peace and just enjoy being kids.

Sending all my love from the US.

– Melanie

Through the last 11 years, I have suffured the bad circumstances of the Syrian war. I have faced many bad harsh events, but I have never give up. Education is your key for a better future. You have to keep hope inside your pure beautiful hearts. We live for a purpose; to make the world a better place to live in. Eventhough all the obstacles, there is always hope. Life is beautiful. We have undergone many things to learn and to be better. Let's build an amazing world together. Don't fear, just believe in God and yourselves. Don't stop dreaming. Never give up. Much love & support. We are here for each other.

– Fatema

You are amazing, always laugh, smile and play. You deserve happiness.😊💪

– Bahaa