Rehabilitation of bomb shelters in 2 schools in Slavuta city, Khmelnytska oblast and rehabilitation works in lyceum #16 in Chernihiv

Published 16. Aug 2024
Tender notice.

Country: Ukraine
Organisation: Norwegian Refugee Council, Ukraine, Lviv
Advertisement date: 16 August 2024
Submission date: 13 September 2024 before 17:30 Kyiv time
Financing institute: Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW-Development Bank)
Project title: Rehabilitation of bomb shelters in 2 schools in Slavuta city, Khmelnytska oblast (Gymnasium "Uspikh" and Gymnasium #7) and rehabilitation works in lyceum #16 in Chernihiv
Type of notice: Tender Notice
ITB Reference number: UA-LVIV-WEST-ITB-2024-010
KfW Procurement Ref No:

Contract title: Establishment of Contract for rehabilitation of bomb shelters in 2 schools in Slavuta city, Khmelnytska oblast (Gymnasium "Uspikh" and Gymnasium #7) and rehabilitation works in lyceum #16 in Chernihiv

The Norwaigen Refugee Council (NRC) is currently seeking a reputable contactors for for rehabilitation of bomb shelters in 2 schools in Slavuta city, Khmelnytska oblast (Gymnasium "Uspikh" and Gymnasium #7) and rehabilitation works in lyceum #16 in Chernihiv.

There are needs according to planned activities to provide support to Collective Centres by provision of rehabilitation works and inclusivity upgrades.The offer must meet all the requirements set out in the Invitation to Bid (ITB) UA-LVIV-WEST-ITB-2024-010 (link below) and be accompanied by the relevant documents.
No margin of preference is applied; the Bid is open to all eligible Bidders based on ITB requirement.

Tender download:
If your company is interested in participating in the Tender, you are required to download the Tender package, free of charge, using the following link:

For downloading instructions, please check the eTB Guidelines attached to this tender notice.

Submission details:
This Tender is a Two-Envelope process. NRC Ukraine will follow the Two envelope process for this procurement. Therefore, please submit your offers following the requirements detailed in the Invitation to Bid (ITB).

To participate in the tender, you must provide a complete package of documents for the relevant activities/lots you are interested in.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the request and submit your price offer accordingly. Please download the file, fill in the required fields, provide the tenderer's details, sign the document, affix the seal of the tenderer's company (if applicable), scan the form, and submit it via the specified manner and link.

The proposal must be submitted in the prescribed format (scanned copies of all pages of the proposal, either in separate .jpg files or in separate/unified .pdf files; PDF document with signature/stamp), and we also ask you to submit the proposal in a freely editable format (Word, TXT, etc.).


  1. Bids, as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the Bid shall be written in English.
  2. Offers must be submitted through the eTB system, and before the tender deadline expires. It will not be possible to submit your bid after the deadline or outside the eTB system.
  3. For technical questions about the system, please get in touch with
    UA procurement unit through

NRC Ukraine  Procurement Department