Rehabilitation of infrastructure in Tripoli and Benghazi

Published 29. Aug 2024
Tender notice.

Country : Libya
Advertisement date : 29 August 2024
Submission date : 15 Sept 2024 at 23:55 Libya time
Reference number : ITB/LY/24/018

NRC aims at contracting service providers for Rehabilitation of infrastructure in Tripoli & Benghazi

Tender download:
If you are interested in participating in the tender, it requires you to download the Tender package, free of change, using the following link.

For registration instructions, please check the Supplier Bid Guide attached to this tender notice.

Submission details:
This Tender is a Two-Envelope process.

NRC Libya will follow the Two envelop process for this procurement. Therefore, please submit your quotation following the requirements detailed in the ITB.

For offer submission it requires you to upload the proposal, free of change, using the following link.


  1. The Bid, as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the Bid shall be written in English
  2. Offers must be submitted through the eTB system, and before the tender deadline expires. It will not be possible to submit your bid after the deadline or outside the eTB system
  3. All questions should be through this link. In case of technical issue with the system please get in touch with

NRC Libya Procurement Department