Consultancy: individual media training for IDMC spokespersons

Published 12. Jul 2024
Invitation to bid.

The Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) of the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) is the global leader in the provision of data, information and analysis on internal displacement. IDMC monitors all situations of internal displacement, provides quantitative estimates of the numbers of internally displaced people worldwide, and develops research and analysis, which seeks to better inform policy and operational decisions that affect the lives of internally displaced people.

Every year, IDMC publishes a Global Report on Internal Displacement (GRID) which presents key figures on the number of people living in internal displacement as a result of conflicts, violence and disasters, on the numbers of internal displacements and analyses specific situations of internal displacement around the world. The GRID receives media interest and IDMC’s spokespersons must respond to various requests for interviews in the press, radio and television.

As IDMC ambitions to extend media interest beyond the annual launch of the GRID and generate more coverage on internal displacement globally, IDMC is opening a call for consultants to provide individual media training for its spokespersons. This consultancy is expected to include a one-hour preparatory call and three hours of individual coaching sessions per selected spokesperson. IDMC will select 2 to 3 spokespersons to benefit from this individual media training. The dates of the sessions will be identified with the selected spokespersons but the expected period for implementation is from 15 August 2024 to 15 December 2024.

All interested and qualified applicants are invited to submit an expression of interest by Sunday 28 July 2024, 23:59 CET to The bid application/email subject should be titled: Individual Media Training Consultancy, and the following included in the application:

  • Technical proposal, including CV of relevant trainer
  • Financial offer in CHF, inclusive VAT and all charges, provided for each individual spokesperson to be identified by IDMC;
  • List of references that can be contacted to verify the quality of services;
  • Proof of registration as a sole trader/registered company in country of residence, as relevant.

Please find the full Terms of Reference and application process below: