Business Employment Entrepreneurship - Consultancy

Published 28. Jun 2024
Ref: RFQ.NRC.MENA.2024. 8101465

1. Tender Purpose: 

The office of the Norwegian Refugee Council invites your company to apply for the "Business Employment Entrepreneurship  Consultancy’’

The study is estimated to require approximately 25 working days spread over a period of 2 months for the Guidance Document development of: 1) A checklist that describes NRC’s Business Startup and Business Strengthening process including the minimum standards for emergency settings and more stable contexts based on good practices within NRC and other actors. 2) that the Guidance Document will include guidance on improved measurement of the success of business start-up and strengthening supports based on review of existing output & outcome indicators as well as tools used currently by NRC and externally. In addition, guidance Document to include an annex with the consolidated resources related to existing approaches, tools, and way of working for the BEE program

Specific deliverables and timeframe for delivery have been outlined in ToRs ‘’Annex 2 TOR’’.

2. Deadline for tender:

The complete tender dossier in the English language can be downloaded by below link. and before the deadline: 14tg of July 2024– 22:00 (Amman, Jordan local time). The submission deadline will be 14th July 2024- at 22:00 (Amman, Jordan)

The tender dossier can be accessed through the following link:

Any request for clarification has to be sent at least 3 working days before the deadline for submission of tenders. NRC will reply to all registered bidders at least 2 working days before the deadline for submission of tenders.

Questions & Clarifications can be sent by using below link: