Displacement has a devastating impact on learning, and often leads to an education being denied or interrupted. Children and youth may suffer from traumatic experiences and a loss of the social networks that provide protection and support.
The capacity of education systems to deliver quality education is often significantly reduced during displacement and host communities often struggle to integrate displaced children in existing educational facilities and systems.
Our expertise in education
We aim to ensure that all displacement-affected children and youth enjoy high-quality, safe and inclusive learning opportunities relevant to their psychosocial, emotional and cognitive development and needs, from the start of emergencies.
NRC provides opportunities for school-aged children (between six and 18 years old) and youth (between 15 and 24 years old, depending on the country) to exercise their right to education and enhance their wellbeing. We have a particular focus on those who are out of school or have had their education interrupted. We support them in completing a full cycle of education leading to relevant and effective learning outcomes.
From the onset of an emergency, children and youth are provided with education that prepares them for transition into longer-term learning pathways.
We promote and support the transition and inclusion of both internally displaced and refugee children and youth into formal education systems, so they benefit from an accredited education.
Recognising that governments are the primary duty-bearer, we support them to uphold their duties, including through teacher professional development and curriculum development. Teacher professional development is key to achieving quality education through the provision of continuous training, follow-up and fair compensation.
As not all children and youth are able to participate in formal education, we provide flexible and, if possible, accredited non-formal education opportunities relevant to children’s individual learning needs.
We provide youth with opportunities for post-primary education, including technical, vocational and tertiary education, supporting them to engage meaningfully in their communities and access livelihood opportunities.
Our education activities primarily focus on four response areas:
- first-line education response
- non-formal education opportunities
- transition to and retention in formal education
- youth education and wellbeing
Our global education development strategy focuses on the following priority workstreams:
- Improve adherence to Safe and Inclusive Programming (SIP)
- Institutionalise continuous teacher professional development
- Strengthen education advocacy to change policy and practice
- Improve teaching and learning through digital technologies (Ed-Tech)
- Scale up cash and voucher assistance (CVA)
- Improve collaboration and exchange of expertise with local actors
- Explore how to address the impact of climate change through education
All our education programmes adhere to the Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) Minimum Standards for Education.
NRC aims to ensure that children and youth affected by displacement enjoy quality education that is relevant to their psychosocial, emotional and cognitive development, across all phases of displacement.
This Global Education Strategy provides an overview of how NRC, building upon the status of our education programming today, will ensure the greatest likelihood of success in achieving this aim in 2022–2025.
People reached in 2023
A total of
people benefited from our education work