165,484 people in needreceived our assistance in 2023.
Humanitarian overview
Myanmar continues to experience multiple shocks, both natural and human-induced. The overall humanitarian situation in Myanmar worsened throughout 2023 due to active fighting, environmental shocks such as Cyclone Mocha, and economic fragility. February 2021 witnessed a military takeover resulting in an escalation in violence, displacement, needs and protection risks. This has severely limited people’s access to livelihoods and essential services, increased needs and vulnerabilities, and contributed to an increase in negative coping mechanisms. Since October 2023, renewed fighting between multiple parties to the conflict throughout Myanmar has led to yet more displacement.
In 2024, UN OCHA estimates that over 18.6 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance in Myanmar and over 2.6 million people are displaced. Amidst rising tension and hostilities, it is increasingly difficult for humanitarian actors to reach those in need and for affected communities to access services.
NRC's operation
NRC responds to the diverse needs faced by populations in Myanmar through the delivery of integrated programming and advocacy to ensure that conflict and displacement-affected communities can meet their needs and exercise their rights. NRC works with a range of different local and international partners to deliver a multi-faceted response that includes emergency response to rapid onset needs, providing essential services to internally displaced people in protracted displacement, and contributing to pathways to durable solutions.
Community-based services
We provide needs-based protection services to vulnerable people in camps and out of camps. Our teams:
- coordinate access to services and information provision
- strengthen the ability of communities to cope with displacement through community governance capacity building and enhanced communication with communities
- inform policy and decision-making towards durable solutions to ending displacement
We work with communities to ensure that vulnerable conflict- and displacement-affected children and youth benefit from improved access to learning and wellbeing and can achieve their full potential. Our teams support:
- education response to provide short-term protection and psychosocial support
- transition to formal basic education, when possible, by helping children access and enrol in local education programmes
- non-formal education through supporting coordinated efforts to provide long-term alternative learning pathways for out-of-school children and youth
- youth education and training on vocational and life skills to support pathways to enhanced livelihoods, social engagement, and further education and training
Shelter and settlements
We ensure that target populations have physical safety, protection of their rights, adequate living standards, and where feasible, pathways to durable solutions. Our teams:
- provide shelter repair and construction to improve living conditions, reduce negative coping mechanisms, and allow households to meet other priorities
- support access to essential household items to meet critical needs and allow for the resumption of day-to-day activities and life with dignity
- improve access to safe learning environments and infrastructure to reduce barriers to accessing essential services
- provide cash assistance through cash-for-work or unconditional cash
- provision of small-scale water and sanitation assistance